Estonia Races

Published by Margus Meigo12 hrs
What Estonians Learned from History, that there is Not a One Evil, race, there are many!
  • Jesse Seeberg-Gordon What does this post even mean? Have Russian hackers taken over the page again?
    • Ivi Tihkan Montano Jesse Seeberg-Gordon that’s a reasonable question! I’m not sure I understand the implication.
    • Estonia What part You did not understand, that there are many races or that some do not like humans?
    • Ivi Tihkan Montano Estonia the word choice and comma placement makes it awkward. I don’t think it conveyed the message clearly.
    • Estonia Ivi Tihkan Montano We disagree. 
      If You know better,the message meaning, 
      Write here variations, how You think it is more correct, let's see
    • Kai Rannik That's the catch: In order to correct your grammar, one would need to be sure of your meaning. Kas otsite tõlki?
    • Estonia Kai Rannik So You see, first, You not even understand, 
      what is and WHY is written, but You so fast to Jump in to say, You know better .. well, clearly You do not know, 
      To help You along, as it is not Your natural language as it seems, 

      here we go: 
      How You write shorter "there is not one evil" and "there is not one evil race" + rest of the sentence context. 

      So let's see what You come up with.,.
    • Estonia So we ask again Kai, 
      do You have better sentence related to this what You understood now

      (as races we also mean NON-humans & hübrids, (in a way also future AI robots as "Liberals", is safe to assume, want to consider them as well as "species" with all the variations that will be..) ) 

      and the ones who behave out of human character too much we also not consider human, 
      this is why really wrong ones were also beheaded most likely by good ones in the past as if body is taken over cell level or soul has gone or body is just a fake.. there is no use to keep that bad energy spirit alive to infect others. Fire was also good option .. up to the point when they turned around and started to use it on good kinds for similar accusation grounds.
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  • Joyce Elam Pierce Every human can be evil if he chooses to be so. No race is immune.
    • Margus Meigo Be careful, liberals ( red-science worshippers & in anti-human secret alliance sub-sectors etc ) do not like word "race" in here,

      just for that word, their internet maffia will report people in false grounds with hundreds of thousands, millions of acc
      ounts they have in spare in human and in electronic copy/zombi accounts. 

      as the most countries in a world are in Fact in Communists view overtaken (except Estonia most directly and some others with heart and mind & spirit, as well, at times, have dedicated pentagram/star worshippers illegal like Azerbaijan, Iran, Philipines etc.. )

      One other country, among the largest who is against Communists besides Russia, ... is reasonable to take in to account, that this IS revenge in Latin America WildFires.. by red forces, by anarchist or many others they can hire... who is in to "radical cause" for the fact that one of the Peru friendly kingdoms/nations have also rejected multiple time the pentagram force.
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  • Anjan Log ma vajan eestlast sõpra
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  • Pasi Uoti Pay some attention to the language, the post is ununderstandable.
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  • Michael Schmitt There are no good or evil races or countries; only good or evil people.
    • Margus Meigo But there is a Country' es and Races, we can agree on that, 
      whos governments or leaders can be some-what be "taken ower" for short period of times, in history by Forces (human or unhuman) that do not benefit People or Nature as among the first aim in full truth, can we agree on that?
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  • Marcus M. Keerberg Generalisation is definitely NOT a virtue.
    • Margus Meigo Neither is ignorance.
    • Marcus M. Keerberg Who da fuck are you attaching me attributes?
      • Message
      • 1h
    • Estonia Grow Up Keerberd to a real-world, man up to reality,
      and Hey, Your life is based on Generalisation unless You are an alien. 
      In the human world, is generally accepted that generally, malaria is not a good thing for human species so generally we should
      generally, people also approve, that drinking clean water is a good idea generally, 
      generally, most intelligent people accept, that Old Testament Bible is not just a passing fairytale and should be respected in multiple ways, 
      generally most people know and understand, that man and woman is the family foundation, 
      generally, it is known that most green plants like the sun and in fact generally they die off if they can not get it. 
      generally will be understood, that nations with pentagrams in their system symbolism, will not be able to stay for long to be remembered in history,

      We can keep going like this, to the day sun go down, 
      You get now, generally, generalization (about things that can be looked so) is intelligence basic foundation?
      No photo description available.
  • Dex Stewart Is that why they are homophobes ?
    • Estonia This knowledge comes from natural intelligence. 

      ( that only man and woman are and always will be only normal alliance even if they from another race, 

      the only exception is with lesbians of course as they are in alliance /some, not all/ because there is not good enough man they are allowed to be sensitive with )
    • Estonia Ivi Tihkan Montano Yes i can imagine You like this, is understandable, cute but confused.
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  • George Alexander David Everything is "evil" and nothing is "evil"... Is about what is making our boat float.. or sink .. Simple as that. And reading a comment in here.. if you are homophobes, then congratulations, I think that's good. Is a good thing.
    • Margus Meigo You make it Too simplistic, and too much-giving credit to pedophiles, child rappers and life pleasurable murderers/child/woman beaters 
      If You soo smart and sure about Your thesis as You sound, 

      tell me, what is GOOD about these ordinary things, one of the MAIN problems what is a problem about in planet, related to these issues i mentioned in the beginning of the comment. 

      Give a few good proofs at least about one and another one, 
      Then we can see, are You for real, have You been thinking, feeling, or just copy-pasting the propaganda that allows evil to do their evil in justification " "all" is good for "something" "
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  • Kalju Priilaid It all depends on that nations moral foundations: god-fearing or not. This can be corrupted or enhanced by leaders/dictators.
  • Jeff Agi Hmmm who runs this page?
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  • Maxime Lenglet Weird post for this page, reported to Facebook. Not a place for hate/race speech. 👿
    • Estonia Get lost weirdo,
    • Ivi Tihkan Montano Maxime Lenglet Agreed
    • Estonia Ivi Tihkan Montano Internationalists who are behind time, have to agree on empty rage, to find in hope of some kind of connection they lost to earth when turning against the nature.,
    • Kai Rannik Reported
    • Estonia Kai Rannik Your communists should stop attacking one of the few locations that is anti-human mentality free, 
      more then 10 years You have been attacking this page, as You wish everything to be under Your Corporate tie-am pentagram control, but guess what, it will never be. 

      For Your information, Facebook Largest Russian national official first original page is also done by us.
    • Estonia Kai Rannik unless You reported this Maxime who is clearly on the wrong page. 
      If We would start to go all your perversion pages You got around the FB and internet, and report about everything that we disagree, because what is anti-human, then would be
       hard to find manpower and workforce for this kind of mission, 
      But as You got all the Workers Party and Liberal Intrnationalist
      besides other sectors of Communists to choose from, 
      i guess workforce as long there is enslaved, humans, 
      will never run out you assume? 

      Well, there shall be the end of negative slavery!
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  • Kai Rannik When a racist homophobe tries to represent an entire nation, and then starts drunk posting 😂
    • Estonia We are, we not need to "try"
      Also, we are against drinking, unlike YOUR Kind, who most likely have a lot of friends who drink every week.
      Funny when a naturally SO drunk people who have lost reality relating to races and sexuality come and try to cast some moral, so ironic,
    • Kai Rannik Wait... You're against drinking? Yep, definitely not representative of Estonia 😂
    • Estonia Kai Rannik You See, 
      You not even know that Estonians are ANTI driking, do You ?
    • Estonia This that we can drink more than Russian when needed (in collective, the short period of time), does not mean, that we pro drinking, 
      we can do the most thing more than others who think to be champions around the world, this is just our one of the many natural essences 

      Alcohol is one of the NATURAL ENEMY of our culture, but hey.,. .. You fast to report about OUR page, against true natives, 
      because we not enslaved under pentagram, 

      makes You so angry, confused? 
      Humiliated? No.. i not talking to You as person only Lady, 
      but with the spirits that represent You persona.

      it is SO elementary for anyone even HALF Estonian to know, that Alcohol is a weapon (literally) against our culture's.


  1. This is not really True You now,
    I just made it up,

    but if it was true,
    by consistently, that this thing is real, the races and that by happens on this time period also was more learning as world view opened up more for people... then..


    1. Loodame, et see kuulsus NÜÜD ei tule,
      vaja ikka enne veel asju korda ajada palju, et asjast tulu oleks

    2. But is ALMOUST 100% confirmed, that Whole Spectrum of Facebook around National Identity pages, is over taken,
      and most of the workers there are not even in knowing, these pages was thrown to them and they are listed as worker to be against these kind of things if needed ..and on this moments these things will be raised in to notice as much as needed, as would not need more then few .... ()number() .... to accomplish that.
      And looking from the reaction, of "All Natural people"
      is clear, that in liberal communist / fake Conservative'st way they (,)
      for sure can not be true Americans, Russians or Estonians in nature Earth Mind,
      if so, then skillfully, few real ones might have been mistaken in to there with real pre illusions before i thought.. but Noo'h..
      in random group of semy white people can not be SO Race hater, that does not even allow to Say, out law'ed, banned to say a RACE Name, even.. how deem one need to go on to .. for control..
      what is a plan, to out eliminate some races so they not speak'ed about truly about them self and who they are so just color copy'es imitations are left and most would not know as they would not know native culture from culture Eyes!



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